Grant Filed For Recreational Trails Program

A 2024 Recreational Trails Program grant application was recently filed for the Fohs Hall Park Walking Trail Project, submitted on behalf of the Crittenden County Fiscal Court. The county is requesting funding under this program to develop a walking trail, restroom facilities and landscaping at Fohs Hall Park, located at 130 North Walker St. in Marion.

This trail will provide residents and visitors to downtown Marion’s cultural corridor with a new opportunity for exercise and recreation, while also providing a physical link to some of the community’s most-utilized attractions.

An existing storage building on-site will also be renovated to add public restrooms and security features to help ensure the safety of park users and preserve the integrity of its infrastructure. Finally, an area adjoining the structure will be repaved and striped as a designated parking area to provide park access to residents and visitors with disabilities or physical limitations.

The trail design anticipates the future development of the second phase of the project, which involves the construction of a large rotunda-style pavilion to provide shelter and cover for outdoor events on the park property, as well as a colonnade featuring historic elements of the former mansion that stood on the property.

The trail’s construction will be the critical first step in the park’s overall development into an outdoor gem that will improve the quality of life for residents, particularly community senior citizens, and increase the appeal of the community for decades to come.

The project will add approximately 1,200 feet of new recreational trail length in Fohs Hall Park to accommodate walkers, in-line skating and bicycling.

The Crittenden County Fiscal Court and the citizens of Marion and Crittenden County look forward to a favorable review of this project.